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Dark Resurrection Crew: Mirco Paolini

Written by Angelo Licata.


1- How did you join the team of DR?

It all started in the "late" 2006, when a brave budding filmmaker, whose name was Angelo Licata, sent me an e-mail asking for the creation of an organic creature for Dark Resurrection Vol 1. At that time, I had just started getting into the magical 3D world and Angelo was very impressed by my first animation of a Digital Troll walking down a street. From that moment on, it started a brand- new cooperation between us. Unfortunately for a few years it stopped. However, I definitely managed to make up for it when in September 2010 I asked Angelo to help him for Vol. 0.

2- Can you tell us your role within the production?

I deal with everything related to the 3D world, under every point of view: from modelling to animating, texturing and rigging. I created many of the scenes you will watch in the film, some of them are 100% digital, like for instance those huge fantastic settings among which one of my greatest efforts, a huge portal. In this regard, special thanks go to the other 3D artists who have provided me with some models, to the Matte Painters, a huge source of inspiration as well as to the model creators, who realized magnificent base models, helping me get better textures. Without their cooperation my work would have been much harder.

3- What has given you personally the experience of DR?

A lot. I think my experience in this field, both under a human and a professional point of view, has helped me a lot. As far as the first one is concerned, thanks to this experience I had the opportunity to meet great people, with whom now there is a beutiful friendship. In particular, those people are: Angelo Licata, Roberto Pretti and Andrea Languasco. As far as the second one is concerned, working with a huge amount of 3D effects to be created in a very short time, has a been a big challenge with myself, which sometimes strained my nerves and my scheduling skills to the limit. Working in a production of this kind is very different from creating a single photorealistic image.

4-Tell us a personal, funny and meaningful story in short, a special moment at your choice while you were working on DR.

Here is the question on which you could even write a book! The are too many short stories which have taken place on the set of Dark Resurrection Vol.0, to be told! Let's just say that it has been a time full of misunderstandings. Obviously it's funny to hear them told face-to-face.
