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Dark Resurrection, coming soon on your screens!

Written by Fabrizio Fenner.



We remind you that on Friday, January 6th at 10.40 pm, Dark Resurrection Volume 0 will be broadcast on Rai 4.

After that, the film will be rebroadcast on the following days: Saturday, January 7th at 3.20 pm, Saturday, January 14th at 12:00 pm, Sunday, January 15th at 07:00 am and at 05.20 am.

Below you can find the official RAI’s press release:

"With its extraordinary success at the box-office, outclassing movies like: “The Godfather”, “The Exorcist” and “Jaws”, Star Wars (1977) marked a critical turning point in the history of Hollywood and of the American popular culture worldwide. George Lucas’ movie puts an end to a decade of militant and realist films, combining the postmodern aesthetics together with the classic epic. It celebrates the reorganization of the studios on a blockbuster scale, together with the merchandising and the fan club.

Treated kindly and monitored with attention by the Lucasfilm marketing, the fan film phenomenon related to the Star Wars saga has grown a lot over the last decade, thanks to the increasingly easy access to the digital audiovisual technologies at a professional level.

“Wonderland”, a weekly magazine dedicated to the Rai4 fantastic imagery, presents the full version of Dark Resurrection - Volume 0, the second short feature film of a fan film trilogy created and directed by the Italian Angelo Licata. Dark Resurrection is an unofficial spin-off of Star Wars, with more fantasy than sci-fi distinguishing marks. Moreover, it is set on the same timeline of the saga by George Lucas, right after the episode of the “Return of the Jedi”. At the center of the story is Master Sorran (Giuseppe Licata ), a Jedi knight obsessed by a mysterious prophecy and by the quest for immortality.

The broadcasting of Dark Resurrection-Volume 0 within the episode of “Wonderland”, will come after a presentation of the movie by Andrea Fornasiero and an interview with the director."