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Blu-Ray disk di "Dark Resurrection vol.0" in arrivo a Pasqua!

Written by Fabrizio Fenner.


The wait is over! Finally, thanks to the meticulous work of who is working on the authoring, we can say that Blu-Ray Volume 0 is coming!

Here you can see above an image extracted from the menu in the bonus section of the disc, as stated by whose are working on it, the disk master will be delivered within Easter.

Soon after we will proceed to make the required number of copies printed, which will be shipped within a few days to all those who awaited it.

Now we can finally say to all of them, that the wait for the Blu-Ray is over and that they will be rewarded for their patient waiting thanks to the quality of the product they receive.

Thanks again to all those who support us in this "dream"