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Written by Darth Pretti.


Dear friends, we would like to inform you that the DVD of Dark Resurrection Volume 0, with 1-hour extra contents inside, will be sent for print in the next days. We are carrying-out the SIAE procedures, the last obstacle to the free distribution. Within ten days we should finally be ready for the shipment. As far as the Blu- Ray DVD (containing more than two-hour of extra contents) is concerned, the authoring hasn't arrived on Easter as promised by the technicians. However, the prototype will be delivered in a few days (on Tuesday 24th). That's why we are already getting ahead with the burocracy, to provide a fast professional duplication and after that the shipment to all the Associate Producers. 

To those who have just sent the request, we remind you that there is still time to choose whether to receive the DVD or the Blu-Ray. We apologize for the long wait, however this job is paricularly painstaking and extremely professional. The simple animated menu of the Blu-Ray, just to give you an example, will provide additional information on the characters of DR, taking part into the storyline of our saga.

We assure you that you will not be disappointed with the result!