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At which point are we?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

DR Vol.0 to see the light before summer.

We are nearing the end of post-production and it is safe to say that there is not long to go until the national premiere.

At the end of March, the legendary Fabrizio Fenner finished the rotoscoping work, which is perhaps the most boring postproduction phase. There is no other way to achieve the luminescent light sabres than to superimpose, frame by frame, a digital mask which moves and changes shape according to the movements of the real blades (usually simulated by metal rods). To give you an idea: in DR Vol.0 there are about 10 minutes of fight scenes, in a second of film there are 25 frames, with an average of 2 lightsabres in the scene. This means about 30.000 manual retouches!

At the end of April, Mirko Paolini and Angelo Licata finished the creation of 3D objects and environments using the ‘Cinema 4D’ software. The models are very elaborate and built with a high level of detail. Last to be animated was the shuttle Kirlander, which the Jedi use to land on the Resurrection.



Currently director Angelo Licata is compositing the shots, which means combining real items, most of which shot on green screen, with 2D and 3D elements especially created shot for shot. To give the film its distinctive bleak and desaturated look, an accurate colour-correction was necessary.  

Where compositing is concerned, we have finished 95% of the work..

The last hurdles at this point are dubbing and sound. Many sound effects and tracks from Bruno Di Giorgi’s soundtrack by have already been added to the final cut. We hope to finish dubbing as soon as possible, so that we can finally show the product of so much hard work and sacrifice by our collaborators and the commitment of our associate producers.