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Post-production: the ships of DR Vol.0

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

The working process of Dark Resurrection is going on very quickly, without a break, in order to melt what has been shot so far with the Live Action technique together with the 3D modelling, and finally give birth to the Kirlander and the Resurrection spaceships. 

The first one belongs to Sorran's diciples, exploring the Eron's planetary system, in order to satisfy Sorran's thirst for knowledge. In the picture to your leftside, you will find the spaceship model animated with the use of mathematical expressions in a 3D setting. To your rightside, the final rendering outcome.

Kirlander Animazione con Espressioni Kirlander Resurrection

Below, you will find a picture of Sorran boarding the Resurrection's wreck, the spaceship belonging to the Guardians of Eron. It is a huge and inhospitable place, whose modelling is based on organic patterns.

Nave Resurrection - Campo lungo  Shot Sorran uscita2

Finally, here is a photogallery with our last post-production's pics. As usual, a huge thank you goes to Mirco Paolinfor the 3D modelling and to Angelo Licata both for his direction and for the compositing technique.


 The team of DR says a big "thank you" to all of you, for your on-going patience and gorgeous support.
We will keep you updated about the work in progress.
The path to achieve the target is now getting shorter. Your wait will finally come to an end.

See you quite soon!