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DR Vol.0: a message to associate producers

Written by Fabrizio Fenner.


Dear friends and supporters, is a pleasure to inform you that all those who have contributed to the Vol.0 becoming associate producers before July 30, 2011, in addition to appearing in the credits of Volume 0 and Volume2, will be entitled to a place of honor at the world premiere of DARK RESURRECTION VOL.0.

You will receive an invitation email soon with more details.

The DR Vol.0 premiere will take place in the prestigious Ariston Theatre in Sanremo, and will host an unforgettable STAR WARS EVENT that will precede the screening and will continue after it. The evening will be filled with many surprises and special guests.

If you have not yet received the free DVD of Volume 1, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make a request.