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Guardian and Rotoscoper

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

It is thanks to people like Fabrizio Fenner that our project has seen the light of day and continues for a second episode. Almost the entire rotoscoping of Volume 0 is the work of Fabrizio and he also plays Nevar, Guardian of Eron where the film’s events take place.

Today is Fabrizio’s birthday and with this news we want to send him our best wishes and a special thanks for all the work he has done.

In a previous article we explained how there is no other way to achieve the luminescent light sabers than to superimpose, frame by frame, a digital mask which moves and changes shape according to the movements of the real blades. This is an enormous and painstaking task which took a year to complete and for which Fabrizio Fenner has sacrificed many hours of sleep.

Besides his huge contribution to post-production, Fabrizio also played the second Guardian of Eron, perfectly cast and well-acted in spite of this being more or less his first experience in front of the cameras

But it is not just a matter of patience, dedication, or screen presence. It is something more. We at Dark Resurrection like to think that the Force flows powerfully through Fabrizio’s veins and judging from the many images on this site we challenge anyone to say otherwise.

Happy birthday Fabrizio!