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What is the LOI?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.


The Lords Of Illusion (LOI) was born together with the movie and it represents the original work group who accomplished the project “Dark Resurrection”.Togheter with Angelo Licata, this project has gathered a technical staff composed by people with both passion and a high-quality level of preparation. 

LOI is actually involved in: video and motion-picture post-production, compositing, graphics, 3d, animation, DVD editing, sound effects, soundtracks, web design.



Who are the members of the technical staff?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

 Angelo Licata is responsible for the screenplay, the film direction and for the computer graphics' special effects. He has also worked on the pre-production of Volume 0 in cooperation with the Pix Movie Factory (which has also worked on some special effects during post-production).

How have the DR Vol.1 settings been realized?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

 For Vol. 1 the extremely low budget didn’t allow the realization of real sets. All the indoor settings have been realized in 3d graphics: the shooting were carried out with the use of a greenback and after were elaborated and mixed with images created and animated by a computer.

Who was in charge of visual effects for Vol. 1?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

 Angelo Licata (compositing and matte painting), Davide Bigazzi (3d and visual concept), Riccardo Gallino (3d), Gianni Melito (compositing and matte painting): all these people are part of the LOI (Lords of Illusion). Paolo Percopo (compositing and smoke operator) was in charge of the editing and the effects of the backstage.

How have the DR Vol. 0 settings been realized?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

 In Volume 0, the shooting of most of the scenes was carried out by the use of a "green screen".

Tommaso Ragnisco, Conceptual Artist, Prop Maker and Matte Painter has realized some models and settings.

Outdoor scenes have been shot in Riva Ligure. Volume 0 required a very long work, both during the pre- and the post-production.


Who was in charge of visual effects for Vol. 0?

Written by Riccardo Antonino.

Angelo Licata (compositing, matte painting, rotoscoping and 3D) Riccardo Gallino (3D) Mirco Paolini (3D) Fabrizio Fenner (rotoscoping) and in part the Pix Movie Factory (3D and Compositing).