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Ranur - Character Sheet

Written by Staff.


Science officer in various missions of the Jedi Republic, at the beginning Ranur wasn't interested in the archaeological research of Sorran. He gets involved in it by Zistor, who exploits his scientific curiosity in order to make him join the team. Master Ranur is fascinated by the Eronians' ability to shape the organic matter at their leisure in order to build ships and buildings.

He is soon convinced that such technology could pave the way for a new era of the Jedi Republic: if they could get their hands on it and replicate that kind of biotechnology, the different applications employed in urban, technological and military fields would help their civilization make a leap forward of many centuries.

Driven a little bit by these ideals, but above all by the hidden desire to put his name next to an historic breakthrough, Ranur decides to join the team making a request to the Council. The request comes out of time, but Zistor still manages to make him join the mission, demanding him directly to the Council as personal assistant. Ranur reluctantly agrees to downgrade to "personal assistant ", however he does it. Now he is fully propelled towards dreams of glory which could come true with the discovery of the Eronian technology.