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Dark Resurrection Vol.1 HD remastered!

Written by Mattia Stancanelli.



A great Christmas gift for all of us, to enjoy the beginning of everything (in every single detail!). Here are the words of the director for this special film release:

"Dear friends, 

here is the HD version of my first work, which began in 2004 with my dear friend Davide Bigazzi and which was then completed with great effort and passion in 2007.

This work has been fully HD remastered, however we have decided to keep it unchanged. We didn't add anything brand-new, neither special effects nor scenes or sounds. We think that the weak points and the flaws of the first DR have now become part of the movie and “improving them” would be a big mistake.

With great pleasure we discovered that worldwide the Volume 1, which has been flooding on a wide range of peer-to-peer web channels, has been translated into 12 languages. Now these subtitles are available to everybody, directly on the video uploaded on YT.

Enjoy the movie. Thank you to all those people who will join us in future, in order to continue our challenge towards the Volume 2".

                                                                                                                                                                     Angelo Licata    

We all thank him for everything, probably without his very first spark of madness, what we have achieved so far, would never have existed.

May the Force flow more powerful than ever through all of us, now as then!
