16/08/2007 - Panorama |
The Italian Star Wars costs only 7.000 Euros. Fan Film. A dentist turning into a director, an architect working on the special effects and Sergio Muniz as a guest star. That’s how "Dark Resurrection" has won the web.
The article |
01/07/2007 - Visto |
Making Star Wars cost only seven thousand Euros, and the price "included" even Sergio Muniz and the blessing of George Lucas. That's how a dentist and an architect from Bordighera created a new episode of Star Wars.
01/04/2007 - Ciak |
Italian-style Star Wars. Nothing is missing in the “Lucas like” movie Dark Resurrection. It is a fan film inspired by Star Wars, directed by Angelo Licata and Davide Bigazzi with a small budget and a lot of friends, including Sergio Muniz playing in the role of the Jedi Master.
The article |
01/04/2007 - Jack |
Among the many homemade imitations pivoting on Star Wars, a brand new chapter is adding, this time shot in Liguria by a dentist and his friends. Will Dark Resurrection be the ordinary handcrafted mess? Not at all.
The article |
01/04/2007 - XL Repubblica |
Distant galaxies…are you kidding? The new base of operations of George Lucas’ saga is set in Bordighera, in the hands of a local dentist who, together with many other fans and with a small budget has probably created the seventh episode. You can watch it (for free) directly online.
The article |
20/03/2007 - Diva e Donna |
Two amateurs with a passion for cinema and the craze for Star Wars: that’s how Dark Resurrection was born. It only cost 7000 Euros and you will only see it on the web. Exceptional interpreter, the Spanish actor Sergio Muniz: "I decided to put myself forward for free for a cammeo." The full interview with Sergio Muniz and Angelo Licata on the Italian weekly magazine “Diva e Donna”
The article |
28/06/2007 - METRO [Milano] |
"Amazing" has been the exclamation of Lucas after watching the short feature film "Dark Resurrection" inspired by Star Wars.
The article |
15/06/2007 - Panorama.it |
The evil forces and the Jedi knights are back, ready to clasp their lightsabers again. This time however George Lucas has nothing to do with it. If you are looking for the authors of the new sci-fi saga movie, all you have to do is dropping by Liguria. And if you want to watch the film, simply log on to the Internet. Dark Resurrection is a feature film which seems be born from the imagination of the legendary American director. His author however is Angelo Licata, a thirty-four-year-old dentist from Bordighera with a great passion for Star Wars.
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18/06/2007 - Corriere.it |
“Star Wars”, the success of the Italian homemade movie. The amateur film of an Italian dentist has appeared on a special of the American TV.
The article
22/02/2007 - Speciale su Rai 3 Liguria |
The TV report on the Italian channel Rai 3 Liguria from Enzo Melillo during the TV program “Il Settimanale” was entirely dedicated to Dark Resurrection. Curiosities about the set, interviews with Maurizio Zuppa, Grazia Ogulin, Angelo Licata and Davide Bigazzi and other unreleased videos.
01/06/2007 - Sanremo News |
An unscheduled exciting event has taken place this morning at the Ariston Theatre, during the press conference for presentation of the Italian premiere of 'Dark Resurrection'. Claudio Sorrentino known to the public as the official voice of Mel Gibson and John Travolta, received a phone call from his friend Walter Vacchino who put him on hands-free mode.
The article
15/05/2007 - Sanremo News
Davide Bigazzi, creator of the virtual locations and of the three-dimensional elements of Dark Resurrection, granted exclusively to the readers of Sanremo News, unpublished images showing the work in progress of the spaceships and temples. Taking everybody by surprise, David has also generously “given” us even the costumes sketches by Luciano Regazzoni, a professor of the International Comics School in Milan.
The article |
05/06/2007 - Sanremo News |
At the ticket office of the Ariston Theatre, on the second day of the free distribution of the invitations to the evening event taking place on Thursday, Dark Resurrection is nearly sold out. While preparations keep on going on, carried out by the Association Riviera Film, the magazine Sanremo News has interviewed Marcella Braga, the female protagonist of the short movie by Angelo Licata and Davide Bigazzi.
The article
31/05/2007 - Sanremo News |
The countdown to the Italian premiere of Dark Resurrection has just started. The event is scheduled for Thursday 21th at the Ariston Theatre. To know something more about the protagonists, we have interviewed Maurizio Zuppa, aka Jedi Master Zui Mar Lee, at the CWK sports academy in Sanremo, where he teaches martial arts, self-defense, as well as psychophysical activities.
The article |
04/05/2007 - Il Secolo XIX |
The article published on the Italian newspaper “Il Secolo XIX” reveals the secrets of the architect of Dark Resurrection, Davide Bigazzi who is both author of the backgrounds and the virtual locations and producer of the film.
The article |
16/02/2007 - Il Secolo XIX |
On the occasion of Sergio Muniz last participation in the shooting of some key scenes of Dark Resurrection, on Thursday, February 15th the Italian newspaper “Il Secolo XIX” published a remarkable article explaining us the reasons why Muniz has decided to take part in the project.
The article
29/03/2007 - Il Secolo XIX |
Video Festival, a showcase of talents taking place in the city of Imperia. Interview with Davide Bigazzi and Angelo Licata.
The article
12/01/2007 - Il Secolo XIX |
Another article appeared on the Italian newspaper "Secolo XIX" on the 11th of January 2007. As usual, the umpteenth acknowledgments for the good job done so far are not missing, especially from Angelo Licata and Davide Bigazzi themselves, the pioneers of this great challenge.
The article
04/01/2007 - Supereva |
From the web movie guide "Supereva Show and Entertainment" in the Dubbers'section you will find the interview to Riccardo Leto, from Saddam to Dark Resurrection.
The article
02/01/2007 - Corriere di Verona |
The article reports the interview to Marcella Braga. It has been published on the "Corriere di Verona", the weekly insert of the newspaper "Corriere della Sera".
The article
16/02/2006 - GSNet Magazine |
The website Guerre Stellari.Net becomes a paper magazine, the number 0 is entirely dedicated to Dark Resurrection. Besides the numerous publications on the Star Wars world there are also in-depth article on the project and an interview with Marcella Braga. You can download the files on: The magazine - The article on DR - Interview to Hope
The B Trailer on FXHome: the most downloaded and the most voted one in the whole FXhome archive. " I give it 10/5, great job, the 3d is pro, the video is pro, everything looks stunning, and this movie looks visually amazing, great job!!!! ".
"probably the best I've seen in no-budget fanfilms".
02/11/2006 - Twitch |
Dark Resurrection
Unofficial Italian Star Wars Short Movie. Lately i stumbled across the website for a short movie called Dark Resurrection, that caught my attention. But what is DR about?
Radio Monte Carlo - Radio Broadcast |
Radio Monte Carlo - Radio Broadcast |
03/11/2005 - Fantasy Magazine |
It's been really a titanic effort for this small handcrafted production that has already shot three quarters of the film. The extraordinary quality of this work done with passion is proved by the trailer available for free on the websitewww.darkresurrection.com
04/10/2005 - Supereva |
What you can see at first glance is certainly the excellent visual quality. The photography is sharp, the three-dimensional graphics is so much well-made that it gets difficul to distinguish the composite backgrounds from the real ones. Lightsabers and spaceships offer the usual thrill, and even the actors strike for their presence as it had already been announced.
30/06/2006 - Fantasy Magazine |
Dark Resurrection, the B trailer is online.
On the official website, the short movie by Angelo Licata and Davide Bigazzi. A three-minute video takes the public to the temple of Eron.
05/09/2006 - Corriere Fantascienza |
Dark Resurrection is looking for extras for the final scene. Do you want to appear in the Italian short movie taking place in the Star Wars universe? Here's how you can do it.
09/08/2005 - La Stampa |
Totally unexpected, a huge article on our project has appeared on Sunday, August 7th on the Italian newspaper "La Stampa". Although with a few inaccuracies, the article is really rich and even too full of details. We are proud to have attracted so much attention and we take this opportunity to thank those who took care of the article. It seems they have sailed on our website and on the related links in a very thorough way.
15/09/06 - La Repubblica |
The article on Dark Resurrection and its last ciak on the Italian newspaper "La Repubblica".
22/03/07 - L'Eco della Riviera |
The article on Dark Resurrection and its protagonists on the Italian newspaper "L'Eco della Riviera".
29/09/2005 - Supereva |
Dark Resurrection: a stellar short movie
A decisive choice is to focus as much as possible on a professional result, so no more rough recitation like in many amateur short movies and let's give space to theater actors with a charismatic presence. Special care, and could not be otherwise, to the special effects, which from the images already available on the website seem to be outstanding.